Depression is REAL but suicide is NOT an option.

I read about the man that committed suicide on third mainland bridge today and I've been sad. He allegedly asked his driver to park on the Bridge, the driver did as he was told and the man jumped. It's really sad.
What could he have been going through? What happened before that time? What was going on with him? What's going on in his family? How long has he been trying to be fine? Did he try to talk to anyone? Or did he try to man it up as society expects men to? This is really sad.
Depression is REAL! In this part of the world it is often overlooked. Sometimes our friends/families are going through stuff but we never notice because we don't even pay attention to them. Even when they try to talk to us, we don't listen. Some people will listen and take your gist to other people to mock you and your situation. Other people will say "abeg this life na per head". Please let's change our attitude towards depression. If you know anyone that is depressed, help them. Talk with them. Listen to their problems. Don't mind your business please. Encourage them to seek professional help as well. Look out for your friends/families. It will go a long way.
We all experience low mood. It starts as sadness. We feel sad and miserable about life. Usually these feelings pass after a while but if it continues after a couple of weeks, or if it comes back over and over again for a few days at a time, it could be a sign that you're experiencing depression. Please talk to someone.
Recently I've been sad. I think about my life a lot. Anytime the feeling starts, I cry, I write, I talk to myself and sometimes my friends. I have never gotten to the phase where I would want to take my own life but I've asked God at some point in my life "why did you bring me to this world?" For some people, it ends here. For others, they resort to suicide. It's heartbreaking.
Suicide is NOT an option please. It's not worth it. It's never worth it. If you are feeling down, if you are going through anything, talk to someone. Speak up, ask for help. Cry if you have to, write about it if you can. Don't die in silence. Stop bottling things and trying to "be strong". Please!
Suicide doesn't end your worries, it ends your beautiful life and make the people you leave behind feeling miserable. So please talk to someone. No matter what you are going through, Just remember,k God loves you and there are others who will love you if you reach out.
If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, please send an email. We care about you. God bless you.
Thanks for reading 💋
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