My Liebster Award
Thank you! Thank you! Of course I know you said congratulations when you first saw "My Liebster Award". That's okay, I appreciate.
This is not an "award award" though. The Liebster Award is a way to recognize or discover new bloggers and welcome them to the blogosphere. So, your congratulations is still in order. "Tainz fans", lol.
This is not an "award award" though. The Liebster Award is a way to recognize or discover new bloggers and welcome them to the blogosphere. So, your congratulations is still in order. "Tainz fans", lol.
So, my favorite fashion blogger, the beautiful Tee of diveintomauve nominated me and I'm expected to answer the following questions. So here goes;
What are you most grateful for?
I'm most grateful for life. Everything makes sense now because there is life. So, for this one thing, I'm grateful.
What inspired you to start your blog?
I love writing. I'm always scribbling something. Especially about my experiences. So, I just thought, "why don't you put all these on a blog instead and let other people read your ideas and your experiences?"
What three words best describe you?
Talkative (rolling my eyes), funny and funny again.
I think I'm funny, i'm not sure. But let me enjoy the moment.
Do you get Writers' block and if so, how do you deal with it?
Don't we all? Well, I do. If Tee had not nominated me I'm sure I'd be having one now.
I deal with it sometimes by reading something to trigger my mind. Other times, I just let it be.
What is the worst outfit I can never see you in?
To be honest, I can't say. Fashion is constantly evolving. So, i'll never say never.
Any big plans for your blog? What are they?
Honestly, when I created the blog, I just wanted to publish my thoughts and experiences and go. Lol. I didn't want to read them alone.
But right now? yes I have big plans. I hope to make this a brand in the nearest future.
What is your dream place to be proposed to?
Lol, why do I have to answer this? It's supposed to be a surprise init? Okay, I have always imagined myself running under the table after seeing the ring. So, a very private place... that has a table would be perfect. Haha.
What is your dream job?
Even though I am not always patient when it comes to teaching someone especially when they are not as fast as I want them to be. I still want to be a Lecturer. Political scientist did not epp anybody. Lol, I'm joking. I love teaching.
Who are your favourite fashion bloggers?
Diveintomauve has my heart right now. Lets allow her enjoy the space please. "Tainz" I still owe her a fabric. She has to do magic with RimaFabrics. I love reading StylePantry too.
What challenges have you faced since you started blogging?
"Almost everyone blogs these days" So starting this about a month ago was funny to my friends. Like, what do I want to blog about that people are not doing already? But I have chosen the Path of Journal & Lifestyle blogging and I hope to be outstanding.
To answer the above questions, I'd love to nominate;
Tessy of nigeriancorpers
Debbie of brokenbonesandgreenherbs
Ms_Dhk of thepurplesuitcasediary
And any other blogger who might be reading this.
Thank the blogger who nominated you
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Send them questions to answer as well
Thanks for reading đź’‹
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