#CareerTruth: His Father Wanted Him To Study Law But He Chose Communications

A lot of people studied courses that their parents wanted them to study. Some other people didn't get the course they applied for and ended up studying something else. Some people are not practicing what they studied. Are you doing what you planned to do when you were a child? Is your present career better than what you planned to do? Every week we'll be sharing stories of people and their career truth. This week I had a conversation with a 24-year-old who didn't know what he wanted to study but is flourishing in the communications industry now. What did you want to study? I didn't know what I wanted to study before I got into the university. Oh? so what did you study and who chose the course? Yes, I didn't know what I wanted but I applied to study law at Babcock University. It was my parent's idea. My name came out in mass communication department though. I also applied to Bowen and my name came out in Law department. My dad pressu...